Scott, who passed away unexpectedly in 2017, was a member, supporter and patron of the DRFC going back to the early ‘80s. As a strong believer in the club’s vision to establish our own clubhouse, Scott ‘picked up the ball’ and, along with Colin James, generously supported our effort over the years financially and through sage advice—helping this vision become reality in 2016. We recognize Scott and his legacy with the establishment of this Scott Larry Preservation Fund—a permanent investment fund to help finance the continued renovations and maintenance of the DRFC clubhouse for generations to come.
How you can help:
For over 20 years Scott helped ‘move the ball forward’ without being asked. Today, we ask you to ‘pick up the ball’ to continue Scott’s legacy and consider making a contribution to the Fund. 100% of all money will be used directly for current and future clubhouse renovations and maintenance and as a 501c3 organization are tax deductible. Contributors to the fund will be recognized annually at the DRFC Pig Roast taking place the first weekend of every August. If you would like to contribute by check, please make the check out to Detroit Rugby Football Club with a note that it is for the “Scott Larry Preservation Fund” and mail to: Detroit Rugby Football Club, 21618 Van Dyke, Warren, MI 48089. We can also take contributions on-site via cash, check and/or credit card during events. For more information on the fund or contributing, please email Brian Castle ( Detroit RFC Thanks you for your donation and support. Please Click Below to DONATE
Detroit RFC is a 501©3 charitable corporation and donations are tax-deductible.