Tom Fredrickson
Tom was one of the individuals that made a new player feel welcome. He taught you some tricks to gain an edge, and would play wherever he was asked. He gave the game his all for many years, and pound for pound was one of the toughest and sturdiest players I ever played with. He also like to spin a few tales at the afterparties. He held many positions as a DRFC officer and has supported the club during the majority of his life. It's with sadness that he unfortunately passed away a few years back and miss him greatly.
Pete Harrop
Pete has been been selected as a Premier DRFC Player and leader both on the field and off the field. He has been a big supporter and has been one of the top ex-players who have supported the club with his volunteerism and financial support.
Katherine Maynard
Was a high level player, Anchored the middle of the golden age of the Womens introduction into Division 1 competition. Began the lakeshore program and was always there rain or shine and was the anchor on the team for years, extended the reach starting the st Clair shores girls team
Tim McGillen
Tim started DRFC as a teenager and played until the 1990s. Tim was the catalyst on the field as the guy who was the “Spark Plug” who got others to get focused and pumped up. He held many officer positions including newsletter editor (Back in the day we would send paper mail to folks). He was also helped out when our club needed him during the late 80’s with his guidance , humor and pragmatism.
Dave Liedel
Dave's rugby journey spans from his Bowling Green playing days to his current role supporting the DRFC. Beginning as a "B" team flyhalf, he progressed to the A team, leaving a positive impact on and off the pitch. Dave's commitment extended beyond playing, with years of service as Field Secretary and coaching at Berkley High School's inaugural season. As his playing days tapered, he transitioned to refereeing and consistently contributed to fundraising events. Dave's unwavering dedication to rugby and our Club makes him a deserving Hall of Fame inductee.
Shawn Nelson
Shawn was a premier player with the DRFC Men and provided inspiration to many players during his playing days (Both on the field and off the field). Beyond his playing days as a DRFC MEN, he aslo served as the DRFC Women’s coach and he helped guide them to numerous tournament wins and championship years and in 2012 to the 3rd ranking in D1. He continues to reach out to help with the women as he has picked up being a sir at this point in his rugby career.
Bill Moir
"Big Bill" spans both time categories and was a dependable 2nd row. He played in home games and traveled on a regular basis, with many of these matches on the A side. This continued into Bill's playing in "Old Boys" matches. IN addition to his play, Bill also supported the club by participating in multiple fundraising events. Bill also continued the sport by introducing his sons to rugby, resulting in them playing High School Rugby.
Brian Castle
His dedication to Detroit Rugby and efforts toward the improvement of this club are many. His example and leadership are an example to us all. His leadership and volunteerism are an example to us all. Brian is a leaders both on the field and off. He especially deserve recognition regarding the efforts on the Club House and the improvements and countless hours they have spent on Clubhouse improvements and making it a great clubhouse and rugby club.
Carrol Hand
Carrol was a strong player who played many positions, quietly taking any role assigned to her. Whether she played fullback or fly, she was a calming force on the field who believed in her teammates and ultimately lent to them believing in themselves. As a mentor, she helped you to learn your role in the simplest way possible for your level of experience. Always lending an ear and quick resolution for any dilemma.
Russell LaCoursiere
His dedication to Detroit Rugby and efforts toward the improvement of this club are many. Russell is another person who’s leadership and volunteerism are an example to us all. Like Brian, Russell deserves recognition regarding the efforts on the Club House and the improvements and countless hours they have spent on Clubhouse improvements and making it a great clubhouse and rugby club.
Bob Rooks
Bob Rooks was a founding member of the DRFC in 1968. He was Team Captain and a hard-nosed Prop until a severe ankle injury ended his playing career. Bob went on to be a founding member of the Michigan Rugby Referee Society. He recruited and helped train referees in Michigan and the Midwest. Bob was also instrumental in securing quality referees for the Stroh’s Great Lakes Tournament during years I was organizer. Bob may not be a popular nominee...being a referee and all.
Keely Hamilton
Keely played for the Women’s championship teams in the 2000’s and is considered the most fierce and competitive (Pound per pound) on the playing field. She rarely missed a play and made tackles that most miss. Keely is relatively small for a rugby player, but without a doubt the most competitive person on the field and is a leader by example. Her leadership on and off the field helped the women win the championship
Chad Doughty
Chad began playing for the club in 1994. Throughout his time as a player he played flank alongside Drummy, Marco Mejia, and Mike Wilk. Chad served numerous years as social chair, recruiting vp, among other roles. This is where Dancing Chad's social skills truly shined.. He was a master at facilitating a number of pub crawls and social events that to this day set the bar for socials across the rugby world.. Chad has been a black level sponsor or above for most of the 27 years he has been with the club, donating virtually every year. He served as mentor to other officers into his retirement. In 2013, it was Chad that made first contact with the Levy Group at Ford Field, and opened the door to a fundraising relationship that still stands to this day.
Steve Drumheller
There are 2 types of players, those that are rugby players and those who play rugby. Steve is and was a true rugby player. He served has our training coach and captain for many years. Steve Played with 110% in every game and was a premier DRFC player and coach. He played with heart and soul and inspired every one that was on and off the field. He has given so much to the club and loves the DRFC. He’ll always bleed red black and gold. Please join me in congratulating “Drummy” the 2022 DRFC Lifetime Achievement Award.
Colin James
Colin has been nominated since 2015 and like Scott Larry was a longtime supporter/member of DRFC and DOGS. Every year for the past 30+ years Colin has not only provided financial support but always considered DRFC Home, although he lived across the world. He not only supported DRFC but also clubs in Hong Kong and Wales. He loved the game of rugby.
Jacque Passino
Originally nominated in 2017 and again in 2021 - Jacque contributed mightily on the pitch as a player. He also contributed significantly to the social fabric of the club. He, and his parents, hosted many gatherings at their homes for overseas visiting clubs as well as local matches. Jacque was a rugged and dependable club mate. Even though Jacque went to Michigan he was one of the bricks that helped the club during the lean years. the parties he hosted at the lake, the support both by playing and financial have made the club better. Please join me in congratulating Jacque the 2021 DRFC Lifetime Achievement Award. We Congratulate Jacque on this wonderful and deserved award.
Mike Wilk
Nominated in 2021 - Captain for a season and supporter of youth rugby. But that's only part of it. Mike has been a stalwart for the team both on and off the field. He is also the most consistent and effective props the team has had for the past 20 years. Hands down. Mike is always there to support the club and team and we congratulate Mike on this well-deserved award. Please join me in congratulating Mike the 2021 DRFC Lifetime Achievement Award.
Shaunna Mancini
Shaunna Mancini (formerly Shaunna Day) - Nominated in 2021 - Shaunna has given so much to Detroit Rugby Football Club. First being a player who captain her team through multiple years and multiple championships. Shaunna was a part of coaching Berkley High School girls for many years. She was one of the best coaches anyone could have. She taught everything she knew; she was stern and heavy on the conditioning. She was the coach you looked up to and wanted to be like. She also helped assist the DRFC women for the past several years. Lord knows she was a saving grace. Shaunna has given everything to the DRFC. She helped the youth who are now a part of this club. She is the standard/golden role model for what DRFC stands for. She is the one who started Intensity, Integrity and Heart.
Tom Hager
Tom played from the Late 80’s to the late-90’s and was a great guy, a great DRFC player and officer in the 1990s. He hosted a many memorable DRFC pig roasts that some will recall. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with leukemia and passed away suddenly in October 2014. Tom played in the backs and at times would play wing forward. He was known for his hard hits and his breakaway speed. He was dynamic and competitive on the field and the fun of the party after the game. Everyone loved Tom and was the heart of the club in the 1990’s and helped DRFC win many games and parties. He also served on the DRFC board as secretary and other positions. He continued to support the club until his passing. He leaves a wife, Deanna, and children. He was a true inspiration for all rugby players and has been a big inspiration to old boys as well as young lads.
Erin McGowan
Erin served as DRFC’s President and served as Women’s team captain, coach and player. As with many of the awardee’s, Erin was a pivotal player and leader both on the field and off the field. Erin’s leadership both on and off the field has helped the DRFC in so many ways. We congratulate Erin on this wonderful and deserving award.
Liam Hacker
Liam has played for DRFC and served as the longest standing DRFC captain. He exemplified what it means to play with heart and lead from the front for a decade as captain. Liam is a pivotal player and leader both on the field and off the field. He is truly an inspiration and showed leadership both on and off the field to all rugby players. We congratulate Liam on this wonderful and deserving award.
Jim Craft
Jim played from the mid-70’s to the Mid-80’s and has been in good standing for many years as both a ‘young boy’ and an ‘olde boy.’ He has contributed to the DRFC as a club official recently most notably as the major mover in the creation of our 50th Anniversary Commemorative Program. He was a leader and inspiration on the field as well as off the field. He was part of the most successful group of backs ever to play DRFC. He is a true inspiration for all rugby players and has been a big inspiration to old boys as well as young lads.
Sherrie Ingham
Sherrie served as DRFC’s first Women’s President and served as Women’s team captain. Sherrie was a pivotal player and leader both on the field and off the field. Sherrie also was instrumental in establishing the annual International Rugby Academy and the College “Rugger Fest”.
John Mullet
John has been a premier player and Captain of the club, plus served many other positions with DRFC. He was another one of those impact players and leader both on the field and off the field for many years from in the 90’s to the early 2000’s before moving to Grand Rapids. As an officer of the Michigan Rugby Football union, he has helped DRFC with many opportunities and issues and always been a friend of DRFC, regardless of his geographic location or club affiliation.
Katie Scott
The DRFC Women’s team is a success story. Like any story, it is important to look at the beginning. For those of us who played or are playing for DRFC Women’s team, our story begins with Katie Scott. Katie was the founder of the Detroit Women’s Rugby Team. Thanks to her and other forward-thinking members of the DRFC, the women’s team became an integral part of the club. Because of her efforts, as well as her continual support of DRFCW. She was the women who organized the DRFC women’s team back in 1998,1999? Been so long I can’t remember exactly!
Heather O'Hagan
I know for certain that the women’s team would not have had the quick and phenomenal success without her expertise, leadership and skill. I truly believe the merge of the UofM/Ann Arbor with DRFCW would never have happened without her nod of approval. Although I was blessed to be a co-captain with Heather, make no mistake…I looked to her for every decision or strategic move as she always seemed to know the right thing to do, the right direction to go. She never, ever let down. She’d be leading the pack in ruck then 30 meters later, be the one in support of the backs. Passing the ball off to Heather was always a relief…you knew it was in great hands. She was the fierce, capable, smart, reliable backbone of our team.
Jim "JK" Kennedy
JK is inducted for his consistent leadership and commitment to DRFC and excellence in coaching. JK has been a leader both on the field and off the field. As a player, he was the player that lead by example and was always first to the ruck and last off the field. Off the field he was the leader in the coaching and a person that provided inspiration and spirit.
Larry Vertel
Larry was inducted for his versatile and one of the most durable ruggers that I played the game at DRFC. Larry would play the front row, second row, flanker or 8-man as call to do on game day. Played A-side or B-side as well—again as called for, without complaint. In one of my first seasons with the club Larry played 3 consecutive matches against Windsor RFC, A-side, B-side and a third match that I cannot remember specifically if a C-side or something else. Truly an iron-man. As much as he was committed to playing on the pitch, Larry was also committed to the club off-the-pitch as well as an officer. Larry held many positions including Treasurer for many years. Larry is truly a leader both on the field and off the field.
Alan Tait
Alan was inducted because of his excellence as a Premier DRFC Player, Midwest and Michigan Select player, Coach and Leader for the club for many years. Alan was nominated and supported by many people with the club and I agree with all the others that your contributions have been instrumental to DRFC and worthy of your nomination.
Jessica Schell
Jessica Schell changed the mentality and dynamic of the DRFCW. She led by example and taught the team and others that the DRFCW was to be taken seriously on and off the pitch. Jess was a co-captain every year she played and was one of the leaders in two national championships. She was a big proponent of supporting the club at all levels (except when she dated Goat) I could go on and on and on about Jess, but I would just be preaching to the choir.
Dr. Al McKendrick
Nominated by Tom Budisak and Old Timers Committee – Dr Al, again was there both as a player and financial support. you could always count on Al to help when needed and was there to support some of the rugby families during their time of need. he was a great help when I lost my mother and I know he helped the Ray’s during their time of need. a true humanitarian. Dr. Al was not a founder, but an influential member who acted as our coach and fitness taskmaster for many seasons. He offered his home for social functions on many occasions, stitched up many a wound on the sidelines, and was a steady hooker with a bad attitude.
Chip Visci
Chip played his early Rugby at Ohio State. After joining the DRFC he was an active participant including activities. He served as Captain, and other officer positions. As an editor with the Detroit Free Press, he was able to get us a bit of publicity. A columnist on his staff, Nicki McWirter(sp) wrote a nice article about our being sanctioned by the United Nations for hosting a Club from S. Africa in the early 80’s.
Randal Peart
Our strongest consensus nominee for the Hall is Randall Peart. Randal is one of the original organizers of the DRFC. He was also our A side fullback for a number of years until a concussion ended his playing days. Randall was a steady influence from his position, saving us many, many times and coming into the back line as opportunity arose. He was basically a coach on the pitch and deserving of recognition as a founder, early mentor for many, and all-around ambassador for our club. One of the DRFC Founders, then a Ford Motor Co. engineer, and one of the very best fullbacks playing union rugby. Nobody could pinpoint kick for touch and be the never miss last tackler like Randall. He made the 35th year reunion and brought his son who was then playing for the Washington (D.C.) RFC.
Scott Larry
Scott, has been selected as a Premier DRFC Supporter over 25 years. Each year he has been there for the rugby club with generous donations, support and helping the club.
Stan VanTiem
Stan was instrumental in the early years of DRFC both as a player and club officer. He also ran the Stroh’s tournament for several years. As a teammate, friend, and human being he has few equals. He is also one of the funniest f***ers you will ever meet.
Blair Gough
Blair was one of the guys who welcomed me to the club. He took me as a rookie and helped me learn the game and traditions. As a player, he was levelheaded, opportunistic, and never made mistakes. He was a player you could always count on. Blair’s contributions as a player and coach still pale to Blair, the person. I am fortunate to have him as a friend. He is a person who I know I can count on if I ever needed him. If Blair does not exemplify what it means to be a Hall of Fame for the DRFC, then there should not be one.
Mike Gangler
Mike has been a club stalwart for around 30 years, as an A-side player, Old Boy’s player and Club Officer. He has contributed to the club in many ways. For the past several years he has been the DOGS representative and coordinator, arranging games and other events, and keeping communications flowing. He has also been vital in the role of webmaster, transforming the DRFC site when it was stagnating on old technology, and creating and managing a Facebook page to assist with outreach to the DOGS. His are the brains behind the Hall of Fame, taking it from concept to reality. It is high time that Mike took his place in the Hall of Fame.
Dan "Stump" Moore
Past president, player, sponsor, and person who guided the club through the Mid-80’s as the president of the club and during the 70’s as a premier player. He guided the club through a time the DRFC was at its all-time low in the mid-90’s to a stable and vibrant club. Both on the field and off the field he led by example and worked hard and played hard. He continues to support the club by volunteering, mentoring and still playing Old Boys. Stump and his wife Amanda also hosted many memorable pig roasts and were gracious hosts for many years.
Howard Kuschick
Past Player, Coach, Sponsor and Supporter. Howard was another player who led by example on and off the field and the whole team and club has benefited from his leadership and playing ability. During the 70’s, the front row consisting of Howard and Stump (And Dave Hawkins) was the best front row in the mid-west (If not the country). Howard was the first women’s coach, during the years they could barely field a team. He has supported the club for many years by providing funds, and volunteering. He is always one of the first people who volunteer for Fish Fries, events, and games. Not only has he provided leadership with the DRFC, but Howard is a retired Army Officer who graduated from West point and served overseas for our country.
Dave Skidmore
While Dave is well-recognized for his accomplishments with the women’s teams, he has served the DRFC in many ways. Of course, he was a long-term player on the teams. He played for the old boys’ teams. Dave served in several capacities for the DRFC as an officer, including president. He assisted with fund-raisers for the women’s teams, including organizing car washes to help fund our expenses. As for as inspiring the youth in the community, Dave has been a head coach for girl’s high school rugby for over ten years. He has introduced the sport to hundreds of young women.
John Forrest
John was the captain of DFRC’s excellent teams in the early 1970s. He was 6′ 5″ and a highly skilled #8 who lead by example by always hustling and challenging his teammates to follow on to victory for the DRFC. Off the field, John always wore a cherubic smile and dramatically lead post game party DRFC choruses in traditional rugby songs, contorted English nursery rhymes, and fractured Anglican hymns. After John’s death in Kansas several years ago, some 20 former teammates got on a conference call to recount John’s leadership, playing ability, and forging DRFC team spirit and unity. Please do not forget the heroes of yesteryear. John Forrest was a DRFC icon.
Rick Ray
Past president, player, sponsor, and person who first established the DRFC as a club. He provided many governance processes and organization that we currently use and was provided the glue that kept the club going in the 80’s and 90’s.
2003, 2004 Woman's Rugby Team
National Champions (2003, 2004)– they were the first team to win a national championship and provided template of what a championship team should represent. They have won 3 championships in the last 10 years and advanced to division Please send a team photo of 2003 or 2004 to mjgangler@yahoo.com.
Larry Busch
A premier player who was a Michigan select player and an instrumental player in the 70’s and 80’s. He provided not only a template of what a player embodies but also was the team leader on and off the field.
Rick Griswold
Player, sponsor, and DRFC Supporter. As a player he was a premier back and played in many games injured and in pain. Not only was he a good player, but he has been our longest sponsor who not only provided money to the club, but also his bar – “4 green fields” as a unofficial club house of the club for over 20 years.
Gareth Davies
Player, Officer, Sponsor. As a player 20 years ago, he was a premier forward and a player who provided leadership on and off the field. As a long time, sponsor, he has always provided money and support. Lastly, he was one person who made the DRFC from a Team into a club. He has provided leadership in the bad times and good times and always provided the cohesiveness that the club has needed.
Dave Hawkins
Player, Coach – he was probably the tiniest prop that ever played for the club, but without a doubt our best prop / forward that has played with DRFC (Pound for pound). He participated on many as a coach, he had the leadership, respect and guidance of every player that played for him. He directed the DRFC to many winning seasons and is currently a winning coach in South Carolina where he currently resides.
The Detroit RFC was founded in 1968 and is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
We strive to expand the game of youth and adult rugby in the Metro Detroit area.
Clubhouse: 21618 Van Dyke, Warren, MI, 48089
Field Address: Austin Dannis Park, 5200 Stephens Rd, Warren, MI 48091